Nausea can hit unexpectedly, whether from eating something unpleasant or enduring long travels. It’s a discomfort that leaves us longing for comfort, seeking ease from the icky sensations that stay, including the distasteful vomit residue in our throats.
What Causes Nausea?
Different things can cause nausea, but it’s essentially your body’s telling you something isn’t quite right. It could be triggered by eating spoiled food, motion sickness from a bumpy car ride, or feeling stressed or anxious. Sometimes, certain smells or sights can also make you feel sick. It might be a good idea to slow down or pay attention to what’s going on.
For example, if you eat something bad, sensors in your digestive system send a signal to a part of your brain called the “vomiting center.” It then activates other parts of your body to prepare for vomiting. These changes can include producing more saliva to protect your teeth and throat from stomach acid and squeezing your stomach muscles to get ready to push the contents out.
Common Solutions For Nausea
There are a few common ways to help ease nausea:
Eating Small, Bland Snacks
When you’re feeling nauseous, your stomach is upset. Eating small amounts of bland food can be easier for your stomach. It helps because it won’t irritate your stomach further like spicy or very rich foods might. Think of it like being gentle with your stomach when it’s not feeling its best.
Ginger has natural properties that can settle an upset stomach. It’s kind of like a natural stomach soother. Whether in ginger tea, ginger ale, or even ginger candies, it works by helping calm the stomach’s discomfort.
When you’re nauseous, your body is indicating that something is off. Resting helps because it lets your body focus on healing whatever is causing nausea without the extra stress of moving around too much. Think of it as giving your body the time and peace to sort itself out.
Some medications are designed specifically to reduce nausea. They work by blocking the signals in your brain that trigger the feeling of wanting to throw up.
You can try over-the-counter (OTC) medications. There are several options available that may help relieve your symptoms. Antihistamines can be effective by blocking signals to the brain’s “vomiting center” and are suitable for various causes of nausea, including those related to motion sickness.
These medications are generally intended for food poisoning, motion sickness, and other similar causes. It’s essential to follow the dosage instructions on the package and be mindful of any potential side effects. It’s also best to consult a healthcare professional for advice tailored to your situation.
Drinking Fluids – Water or Smoothies
Nausea can sometimes be made worse by dehydration, or it might even be caused by it. By drinking water, you’re helping to keep your body hydrated. Smoothies are also good if you find it hard to eat solid food; they can provide nutrients in a gentle, easy-to-digest way. Hydration helps your body maintain its natural balance, aiding in the relief of nausea symptoms.
How can smoothies help with nausea?
Smoothies can play a dual role in nausea—they can either help soothe your stomach or, in some cases, make nausea worse. It depends on what you put in them.
- Gentle Nutrients: Smoothies can be packed with gentle nutrients that are easy on the stomach. For instance, ingredients like ginger can help soothe nausea due to its natural properties that calm the stomach.
- Hydration: They help keep you hydrated, which is essential. Nausea can sometimes be linked to dehydration, so having a smoothie can address this issue.
- Easy Digestion: When you’re nauseous, it’s hard to eat. Smoothies are an easy way to get calories and nutrition without digesting solid food, making them less likely to aggravate your stomach.
How Smoothies Can Cause Nausea
- Too Cold or Too Thick: The temperature or consistency might not settle well with your stomach.
- Certain Ingredients: Dairy products in a smoothie can sometimes worsen nausea for those who are lactose intolerant or have a sensitive stomach.
- Added Sugars: Adding too many sugars, whether it’s from fruit juice or added sweeteners, can also upset your stomach.
Smoothies for Nausea
Here are some winning smoothie combos that are both gentle on the stomach and likely to help you feel better:
Banana-Ginger Smoothie
Bananas are easy to digest and can help coat the stomach, while ginger is known for its ability to soothe nausea and aid digestion. Together, they make a comforting and settling combination for an upset stomach.
Minty Melon Smoothie
Mint has a calming effect on the stomach and can help alleviate nausea. Melons are hydrating and gentle on the stomach, making this combination refreshing and soothing for an unsettled tummy.
Pear and Oat Smoothie
Pears are high in fiber and contain pectin, which can help absorb excess stomach acid and ease digestion. Oats are gentle on the stomach and provide a comforting texture, making this smoothie a soothing option for nausea.
Blueberry-Ginger Smoothie with Flaxseed
Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Flaxseed provides a source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, promoting overall digestive health.